Your partner - our purchasing team
Have you something novel to provide - and can you offer competitive sources of supply and attractive delivery terms?
Then you have come to the right place. As an innovative production company we are always on the look-out for capable and efficient partners.
Purchase needs:
metals and more …

Non ferrous metals
coils of copper (Cu), brass, bronze, silver (Ag)
profiles of copper (Cu), brass
wires of silver (Ag), copper (Cu) and spezial alloys
Ceramics made of materials C110-C620
pressed parts
extruded parts
DIN standard parts
custom parts
Plastic parts
injection molding parts up to 100 g part weight
molded parts of duro plastic materials
Packaging materials
corrugated cardboard
Terms and conditions of purchasing (PDF): Download
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We welcome every potential supply partner. They support us in providing our customers with the best-possible service.
If you want to join the team just fill out the attached form and send us your details. We will check the data in-house and all being well you will be included in our database. By sending us the form you are confirming that you have read and understood our data privacy policy and consent to your data being stored for the purposes outlined above.