‘Technical progress and political framework conditions are reshaping the requirements of the market and opening up new perspectives for companies’ - this is why the Driescher Energy Forum has repositioned itself and is going beyond an in-house exhibition. Find out more about the switchgear manufacturer Driescher here on its website.
Quality and Environmental management, CSR
Details about our engagement (certificates and memberships)
EcoVadis sustainability rating: among top companies

SIBA has participated in the sustainability ranking of the consulting company EcoVadis since 2021. The globally active service provider has now evaluated sustainable corporate governance at over 100,000 companies. A "silver medal" is awarded to those who are among the top 25 per cent of the current assessment round. SIBA won silver in 2022 and 2023. Even in the first year, it was awarded bronze.
Who wants to be rated, has to fill in an voluminous questionnaire, which will be analysed an rated by EcoVadis experts. The company writes: "Organizations are scored on 21 sustainability criteria across four themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. Scoring ranges from zero to 100 categorized into the following performance levels: below 25 represents Insufficient (high risk), 25-44 represents Partial (medium risk), above 45 represents Good, and above 65 is Advanced."
Conflict Minerals Policy
Here you can download the Conflict Minerals Policy.
Entrepreneurial initiative for the recycling of low-voltage fuses

SIBA is founding member of the german initiative for the recycling of fuses. It's official name is "Verein des umweltgerechten Recycling von abgeschalteten NH-/HH-Sicherungseinsätzen e.V."
The initiative is supported by the main players on the fuse market. It organizes collection and transport of obsolete low- and high voltage fuses. Overall, there are about 700 collection points. Thus results in 200 tons of old fuses every year. Partner company Aurubis AG recycles the fuses and is winning back valuable copper and silver. The initiative uses the earnings from these processes to fund research and development projects in the field of fuse technology.
The annual report of the initiative provides more information (only available in german).
With this link you'll reach to the webpage of the association.
Code of Conduct
SIBA sees itself as an innovative, technology driven family-owned company, committed not only to the region but also to its social responsibility. On the one hand for the people it is dealing with, be it employees, suppliers or clients. No matter whether living in the region, in Germany or all around the world. On the other hand for the environment, whose resources SIBA uses. Either here or elsewhere. In order to meet these self-set standards, SIBA has developed a set of rules which are laid down in the company’s Code of Conduct. You can read them here.
RoHS is the abbreviation of "Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment". This is the title of the EU directive 2011/65/EU. According to these guidelines of the European Parliament it is not allowed to put on the market electronic elements with dangerous ingredients.
For more information see info page here.
Our statement you can find here.
REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals, it is the European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use (EC 1907/2006). As the EC write in its website, "the aim of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. At the same time, REACH aims to enhance innovation and competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry. The benefits of the REACH system will come gradually, as more and more substances are phased into REACH". Article 33 for instance regulates the information process, which has to be granted if products contain more than 0.1 % weight by weight.
SIBA articles and their packaging currently still contain substances included on the REACH-candidate list in a concentration above 0.1 % weight by weight. Details please see our official statement .
EAC Certificates
EAC certificates confirm that the certified products comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (e.g. Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan).
Download here the EAC certificate for SIBA fuses.