Increased turnover, equipment protection production set up in Lünen-Wethmar, now a larger site acquired - SIBA continues to grow and makes forward-looking decisions
Individual. Fast. Precise. Certified.
Designing a fuse with a certain breaking behaviour is only partly calculable. A lot of parameters has to be considered while running controlled experiments. Who wants to provide fuses for every application case can't do this seriously without having an own research & development laboratory. And he has to cooperate with highly recommended test bodies.
Hands-on research & development

Our in-company research and development department with its team of engineers is closely meshed with production. This means, on the one hand, that we are able to constantly assure the high quality of our series products for which we are renowned. On the other, it enables us to regularly develop the new products that are needed to meet your requirements in future. For example with our UR fuses range which, thanks to extremely fast tripping times, are able to protect expensive power semiconductors.
All relevant standards

We make fuses in conformity with all major national and international norms and standards, whether IEC, EN, VDE, DIN or UL. And whether for Britain’s railways or the German shipbuilding industry – we are familiar with virtually all specifications anywhere in the world of fuses.
And if a particular product need by you is not included in our range, we can make it to your specifications. Already at the planning stage, you can make use of our know-how and so avoid unpleasant surprises in future. We are monitoring our processes by using a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001. Click here to download our certificate.
Research to develop the battery fuses of the future

Battery systems and DC power supplies are becoming increasingly important and a new standard for matching fuse links is due for publication soon. However, SIBA has already teamed up with TU Dresden to develop fuses for these applications that can perform better than the standard requires.
Project for aspiring engineers:
Parts feeder gets a design makeover

The firm was looking for a new parts feeder for its stamping press that could automatically deliver the metal blanks in perfect alignment. SIBA found three budding mechatronics engineers who were able to come up with a slick solution as part of their final college assignment project. They were awarded top marks – and SIBA got a pilot system that really worked…
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Long-lived: HV fuses with ICS technology

SIBA’s ICS technology landed a coveted presentation slot at Cired 2021. Not surprising since ICS technology extends the service life of fuses considerably. ICS fuses withstood over 40 times more cycles than conventional fuses in tests with defined charge cycles. SIBA developed the technology together with wind turbine operators, switchgear manufacturers and external research partners. All these partners wanted to find out why wind turbine fuses had been operating abnormally worldwide since 2011 and why unexpected failures had been occurring.
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